Tuesday 10 April 2012

The happiness factor

April 9, 2012


According to the recently released UN World Happiness Report, Canada's population is the fifth happiest in the world. Denmark, Norway, Finland and the Netherlands, in that order, are happier. The USA ranks 11th, the UK 18th. According to the report, Togo, Benin, Central African Republic and Sierra Leone had the most unhappy people.
Apart from income, the greatest determinants of human happiness are family ties and tribal instincts. A lot has been made of the fact that the happiest nations are Northern ones where the citizens struggle together against an inclement environment. If this were true it seems to me the Russians would be rated happier, but they're not. The only time you see them get up on the table and dance is after 14 vodkas. And, as everyone knows, Mexican babies are by far the happiest. Check out a Mexican day care sometime. Further, if tribalism is so hot, you'd think some of the Middle Eastern nations would be up there, too.
Statistics tell us that happy nations have a lot of clubs. Canada is awash with them. What self-respecting prairie town doesn't have a quilting group? What church basement in the Great White North doesn't have a Thursday Painting and Sketch Club where nodders endure a "short meeting and financial report" before the night's featured demo-doer? We Canucks are such a happy bunch.
But what about the art that issues from all this glee? Do tribalism and togetherness improve creative quality? Some people will swear on a stack of Robert's Rules of Order that they do. Others are not so sure. In my humble observation, artists who struggle on their own generally do best. Are these just a few of the unhappy loners who are chasing their tails, hell bent on throwing a monkey wrench into our uncontrolled laughing?

It seems to me the best club is the Great Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Painters Dead and Alive (GUBSPDA). It's sort of virtual but it meets 24/7. The last person who signed up for these free Twice-Weekly Letters at one minute to midnight yesterday was Shailaja Poddar of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Somehow I think we are all a bit happier when we admit we're in this together.

Best regards,


PS: "It's not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it's in the happiness of pursuit." (Denis Waitley)

Esoterica: Art clubs and guilds are primarily a North American and UK phenomenon, although some other nations are catching on. A club's main thrusts are mutual learning, gentle competition, networking and marketing. Clubs tend to neutralize the traditional model of rugged individualism and egocentricity that many now see as a hazard to the growth of quality and integrity. In clubs, in theory, all is fair. The strong are encouraged to encourage the weak until the weak become strong. That's when the formerly weak tend to leave the happy club and strike out on their own.

Current Clickback: "Does creative capability decline?" questions the process of aging and creative ability. Your comments will be appreciated.

Read this letter online and share your thoughts about the chance of happiness. Live comments are welcome. Direct, illustratable comments can be made at rgenn@saraphina.com

The Art Show Calendar: If you or your group has a show coming up, put an illustrated announcement on The Painter's Keys site. The longer it's up, the more people will see it. Your announcement will be shown until the last day of your show.

The Workshop Calendar: Here is a selection of workshops and seminars laid out in chronological order that will stimulate, teach, mentor, take you to foreign lands or just down the street. Many of these workshops are recommended by Robert and friends. Incidentally, if you are planning a workshop and have photos of happy people working, feel free to send them to us and we'll include a selection in the workshops feature at no extra charge.

The Painter's Post: Every day new material is going into this feature. Links to art info, ideas, inspiration and all kinds of creative fun can be found in this online arts aggregator.

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Please welcome Shailaja Poddar at Shailaja1809@gmail.com 

Featured Responses: Alternative to the instant Live Comments, Featured Responses are illustrated and edited for content. If you would like to submit your own for possible inclusion, please do so. Just click 'reply' on this letter or write to rgenn@saraphina.com

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(c) Copyright 2012 Robert Genn. If you wish to copy this material to other publications or mail lists, please ask for permission by writingrgenn@saraphina.com. Thanks for your friendship. 

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